What Attracts A Wasp Infestation?

Despite having a role in the ecosystem, wasps can still become pests that cause damage and physical pain to humans, so we’re looking into what attracts them to our homes and gardens. Let’s delve into the fascinating world of wasps to find out.

Understanding Wasps

Wasps are most commonly recognized for their slim and smooth bodies and a noticeable “waist” that separates their thorax from their abdomen.

There are thousands of species of wasps, but they can be broadly categorised into two groups: solitary wasps and social wasps.

Solitary wasps, as the name suggests, live alone. Most of these wasps are beneficial because they control populations of other pests. They usually do not build nests and most do not sting unless provoked.

Social wasps, on the other hand, live in colonies which can consist of thousands of wasps. The most common types of social wasps include yellow jackets, hornets, and paper wasps. They build nests using a papery pulp material which they create by chewing wood mixed with their saliva.

Wasps are often seen as pests due to their stinging habits, but they also play vital roles in the ecosystem. They are pollinators and also act as natural pest controllers by hunting other insects to feed their young.

The Attraction: What Draws Wasps?

Wasps are drawn to a variety of things. Primarily, they are attracted to food sources. This includes sweet foods and drinks, rotting fruits, and the insects they prey on. Secondly, they actively look for safe nesting sites to build their home. It is also believed wasps are attracted to certain colours, particularly white and yellow. 

Food Sources

Wasps are carnivores, feeding on insects and other small creatures. However, they are also attracted to sugary substances and can be found around sweet food and drinks. This is why you will often find them buzzing around your picnic or barbeque.

Safe Nesting Sites

Wasps build their nests in calm, protected areas. These can be under your eaves, inside wall cavities, or even in the ground. They prefer areas that are safe from predators and the elements.

Infestations: How and Why They Occur

A wasp infestation occurs when wasps decide to build a nest in a particular location. This often happens in the spring and summer months when the queen wasp seeks a suitable place to lay her eggs. If your home or garden offers easy access to food and has safe, secluded spots, it might just become a hub for a wasp infestation.

Effective Wasp Removal Techniques

Wasp removal should be handled with extreme care due to the risks of stings and allergic reactions. It is often best to hire professionals for this task. They have the right equipment and knowledge to safely and effectively remove the wasps and their nest.

Preventing Future Wasp Infestations

To prevent future wasp infestations, ensure your home and garden are less attractive to wasps. This involves keeping your surroundings clean, sealing potential entry points, and promptly removing fallen and rotting fruits.

Risks Posed by Wasps

While wasps play an essential role in the ecosystem, they can pose serious risks when they decide to nest near your home or business. A wasp sting can cause severe allergic reactions in some people, leading to anaphylaxis in severe cases.

Signs of a Wasp Infestation

Signs of a wasp infestation include seeing an unusually high number of wasps around your property, finding a wasp nest, or noticing wasps entering and exiting a particular area of your building.

While wasps play a crucial role in our environment, their presence in our homes can cause discomfort and potential harm. By understanding what attracts wasps, we can make our spaces less appealing to them and live harmoniously without the threat of wasps and infestations.

If you are looking for a professional to keep your home wasp free, then please get in touch today. Covering Bedfordshire & surrounding villages and approved by the local authorities, we offer expert advice as well as safe & humane removal.